Incredible paper flowers by London designer Zoe Bradley... If you like fashion and paper check out her website...It is amazing!
Paper pressing at the Markets on the West Side New York- some hand pressed personalised stationary for Original Occasion- we are going to endeavour to get a printing press to print exquisite wedding invitations!
Delight your guests with refreshing punch and little snacks after your ceremony... It may cost a little extra but your guests will be very appreciative you thought of them!
Original Occasion can provide gorgeous canisters and jars with spigots(tap) in a glorious display next to your ceremony site!
The Gold Coast put on the perfect show yesterday with a warm winter day. The ocean was still and the sky matched the theme colours of this beautiful wedding for Jasmine and Steve....
A Lolly bar and photo station proved fun for the guests to get them in the party mood!!
I had the pleasure of working with 2 beautiful and very funky girls to organise their commitment ceremony this weekend. They are both sport fanatics and love ice hockey. So it only seemed fitting for them to have maple syrup lolly pops and personalised ice hockey pucks as their bonbonerie!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Black and White Flat pack Pompoms... ready to go...
Large $7, Medium $5 and small $3
You can choose from rounded edges (flower) or sharp (spikey) and many different colours!
Ok... so I know it's a bit out there- but I can't resist a snow cone with ginger, pomegrante and grapefruit flavours!!! Games galore at this wedding.. bringing the thrill of childhood back
Quirky, different and fun. I am always looking for the unique design for making a wedding spectacular! Oh and chocolate, cigar lollies and raspberry splices are hot right now!